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1907:  Brownsville, Bridgeport and West Brownsville (including Blainesburg)


   This 1907 map is from the collection of the Brownsville Free Public Library.  The map is titled, "Map of Brownsville and Suburbs -- Dec. 2, 1907 -- Tracing from map compiled by E. J. Henriques."

  This map shows the new community of Blainesburg, founded on June 14, 1906, on the hill overlooking lower West Brownsville.  At that time, Blainesburg was part of East Pike Run township (and school district). 

   Today, Blainesburg is part of West Brownsville borough.  However, unlike the portion of West Brownsville borough that lies along the Monongahela River and is part of the Brownsville Area School District, Blainesburg is still part of the California Area School District (into which East Pike Run township schools was later incorporated). 

  Also, note the spelling of Blainesburg on the map.  The spelling of the community's name was changed years later, perhaps by a bureaucratic error, to Blainsburg, ignoring the fact that the town is named for James G. Blaine, born just over the hill from Blainesburg.

    The first image is a photograph of the paper map currently in the collection of the Brownsville Free Public Library. 

   The second image is the same photograph, enhanced using computer software to improve readability.  Even so, this is a difficult map to read due to its fading and the small scale of the details. 

   The 1907 Sanborn map set, which is also available via the Brownsville HISTORIC MAPS ARCHIVE, is much easier to read and more detailed.  However, it does not include Blainesburg, as well as areas in Brownsville Township in the vicinity of Pike Mine, Century, etc. 


To Zoom in on the map below for a closer look:

Click/tap on a part of the map of interest to you, wait for up to 10-12 seconds, and a clear zoomed image will appear.



1907 aa (reduced) Bvlle,Brgpt,WBvlle (Pre-Adobed) fr Drpbx.jpg
1907 c (reduced) Bvlle,Brdpt,WBvlle (Adobed) fr Drpbx.jpg
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