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1855 Brownsville, Bridgeport, and West Brownsville

   This 1855 map of the three boroughs -- Brownsville, Bridgeport and West Brownsville -- provides excellent detail on the streets and property owners at the time.  The paper map in the collection of the Brownsville Free Public Library is faded and slightly damaged.  Through the use of photographic enhancement software, a slightly more legible digital copy has been created.  You are encouraged to Zoom in on the map to more easily read the text on the map.

   The first map below is a photograph of the paper map in the collection of the Brownsville Free Public Library.

   The second image is the same photograph, enhanced using computer software to improve readability.


To Zoom in on the map for a closer look:

Click/tap on a part of the map of interest to you, wait for up to 10-12 seconds, and a clear zoomed image will appear


1855 a (reduced) Three Towns (Pre-Adobe) fr Drpbx.jpg
1855 b (reduced) Three Towns (Adobed) fr Drpbx BHHQ.jpg
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