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1819 Brownsville borough

   This map, according to the title handwritten across the top of the map, is a "Plan of Brownsville Surveyed in part and the remainder copied from the Drawings for the Borough Council ... Nov. 1819."  Remember, Brownsville borough was north of Dunlap Creek.  The borough on the south side of Dunlap Creek was Bridgeport.

     The first image is a photograph of the paper map currently in the collection of the Brownsville Free Public Library.

     The second image is the same photograph, enhanced using computer software to improve readability.


To Zoom in on the map for a closer look:

Click/tap on a part of the map of interest to you, wait for up to 10-12 seconds, and a clear zoomed image will appear.

1819 a Brownsville (Pre-Adobe) fr Drpbx.jpg
1819 Plan Of Brownsville - Photoshopped - fr Drpbx.jpg
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